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      I think it strange to consider Ayisha and Jym secondardy characters as they are all the way through the book helping Luapp and Enegene. However, the novel is based on why Luapp and Enegene are on a  human planet far from home.


















Aylisha Rhalin


      Aylisha is the first person Luapp sees after being bought. She is already established as a close friend of Enegene's, and while she acts the part of a couldn't-care-less socialite, she in fact an intelligent and caring individual. She is a couple of years younger than Enegene, and at the time of introduction, unattached. Despite the prevalence of slaves in the Black Systems, she hates slavery. She is also quickly bored with the elites social activities and likes to leave their events early. Her opinon of the elites of Denjal is rather low, as depicted  when she tells Luapp to " careful with it. Sometimes the Denjalian elite realise something is different and then they react." The hint is that the elite of Denjal are slow on the uptake.


      In Enegene she found a mischievous ally and someone on the same wave length as her. She also gets increased freedom as her father considers Enegene someone who is trustworthy. As she is seen as a wealthy heiress, he doesn't suspect she is out to engraciate herself with his daughter for the purposes of  gaining access to her wealth. While a little flirtatious with Luapp, she never has any real desire to own him, as she quickly realises that Enegene is attracted to him. She bemoans the fact there aren't any suitable unatached males in the socialite group they mix with, but later finds herself attracted to Jym, a man whose father is friends with her father. Despite her frivolous exterior, she has courage. This is demonstrated when she insists on going with the Sollenites to her home when her family are attacked.



Jym Corder


      Jym Corder is introduced fairly early on. He is Luapp's contact in the Denjal police force and one of the few that know about the mission at the Coalition Master's request. He is the one that does the leg work for Luapp. Even though Luapp finds "distance investigating" frustrating, Jym doesn't miss a thing. He alerts Luapp to the murders he considers to be in line with the murderer's M.O. and is in the right place at the right time when they actually do attempt to kill someone. He keeps the curiosity of other police and the forensics team at bay with an elaborate tale about the Coalition Master wanting a particular criminal caught (this being the truth as far as it went), and finds Luapp fascinating to work with.


      While being a policeman for several years, he finds the evidence files of the serial killer's victims

stomach churning. He hastily averts his eyes when the Coalition Master is reviewing the case, and complains about the sight and smell of the victim in Enegene's house, stating he'd never been near a corpse turned inside-out before.


       His memories of Aylisha are vague, she was a baby the last time he actually saw her, but when he meets her at Cassida Vian's event, he seems instantly smitten. From that time on, he and Aylisha become a couple, and she even accompanies him across the galaxy to Padua, the Galactic Council's planet.






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